MegaWise TENs Unit Review: Compact design. Works great! Lots of options.
After lower-back surgery over a year ago, I've been dealing with residual back-pain. Tired of eating Ibuprofen, I thought I'd try a muscle stimulator to see if it would help. I've heard from others that they've had varying levels of success with treating their muscle ailments using these types of products.
I was surprised how small the unit is however it has a multitude of settings that apply various levels of muscle stimulation. The controls are easy to use - if you read the manual. The LCD display is clear if you look at it dead on. The pads stick great. When you remove them, spreading a drop of water on the surface before putting the plastic backing back and that will help the gel stay fresh. The unit has two channels and comes with 2 - two pad connectors and 1 - four pad connector so you could potentially stick up to six pads on your bod. The unit is compact enough to fit in your pocket and you can lock out the controls so you don't accidentally change a setting while in use.
Did it help? Yes. In fact, I was surprised that I could notice after the very first treatment. The results are gradual, but yes, I can say my pain has been reduced.
Cons: Manual can be a little confusing at first, but it is accurate and written clearly enough.
They give you a lanyard for the unit. Good luck getting that attached. I finally gave up after 10 minutes of using my best tricks. Your results may vary. :-)
Don't lose the plastic backing for your pads, they keep the gel nice and fresh.
All in all, money well spent in my opinion. Of course, your results may vary depending on what you are treating.